Supporting our members
Supporting our members
The purpose of the CCA is to bring together independent projects from across the country, enabling them to share good practice, work collaboratively and become more than the sum of their parts.

We support a network of local community chaplaincies
The Community Chaplaincy Association is a criminal justice membership networking and infrastructure organisation offering its members operational and strategic support and representing their interests, such as:
- Community of Learning, offering:
- peer support,
- networking,
- buddying
- lateral cooperation.
- Best Practice Exchange - focussed on quality, evidence-informed practice and research
- Training and other networking events
- Operational and strategic informaiton and advice covering:
- fundraising
- safeguarding
- working with HMPPS
- staff /volunteer issues
- Start up support and diversification support
- National Representation
- Links to strategic partners, research and collaborative opportunities.
Our community of learning ranges from weekly updates on the latest research and reports, to opportunities to access free specialist training. Members are encouraged to take advantage of our best practice exchange, buddying facility and our regular ongoing learning and networking events - discussing faith, desistance, safe practice, fundraising and a range of other issues important to the membership.
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